BIG TOM Gift Tokens

Here at BIG TOM providing value to customers is a big deal.  We REALLY pay attention to it!  Feedback from customers is important and comes in a variety of methods.  But as we have discovered over the years, receiving feedback is not the clever bit, ACTING on it is...

Four practical tips for learning to drive

Book your BIG TOM 5 Day Intensive Driving Course 0800 689 4174 This video offers you 4 practical tips for learning to drive.  The content here will be beneficial because it is practical advice that has been collected after helping dozens of pupils pass their driving...

Hope as a motivation in learning

In this blog from Tom Ingram (Owner of BIG TOM Driving School) he discusses the importance of driving instructor – pupil working relationships that nurture hope. The effectiveness of a learning environment comes down to the level of engagement with the pupil.  If...

Driving Examiner Strike Action

Driving instructors across the UK are being warned of the potential for more driving examiner strike action in the near future.  At this stage examiners are being balloted for the potential of industrial action regarding a DVSA ‘flexible working’ regime. ...

Pupil Selection

Recent news highlights that certain schools have been ejecting students after Year 12 A/S results and refusing to allow the students to carry on at the school in to Year 13.  It is a controversial subject by nature because in effect the schools are pre-selecting which...

Trust and belief in training

Tom Ingram (Owner of BIG TOM Driving School) explains in this blog the range and depth of learning that is made available to pupils on the BIG TOM 5 Day Intensive Driving Course. “Rather than simply making it up as we go along, the work that is carried out in my...

Learn more with BIG TOM

At BIG TOM we recognise there are two distinct phases of learning that go into developing a safe, “thinking” driver: the initial driving actions required to control and operate the car, and discovering what affects your own driving behaviours.    The first challenge...

I love my driving lessons

In this blog from Tom Ingram (Owner of BIG TOM Driving School), he discusses the benefits of using a driving instructor that can adapt to your learning needs.   If I asked you how would your Mum or Dad teach you to change a punctured car tyre, how would they go about...

Intensive Driving Course Resources

The BIG TOM Intensive Driving Course is backed up with a bucket load of resources for customers. The BIG TOM 5 Day Intensive Driving Course has been assisting customers to pass driving tests for several years.  At the heart of the ethos of the driving school is a...