by bigtom | Apr 11, 2017 | Big Tom Posts
On a driving instructor recruitment campaign in Peterborough, Tom Ingram (Owner of BIG TOM Driving School) describes the process of training to become a driving instructor. Changing career is no small thing and at BIG TOM we take considerable care with our driving...
by bigtom | Apr 10, 2017 | Big Tom Posts
BIG TOM has come up with a great blog to help their customers. Here is a top 5 list of tips to help you provide a smooth ride to assist your confidence as well as be kind and thoughtful to your passengers. Can you imagine how a chauffeur would drive when driving with...
by bigtom | Apr 9, 2017 | Big Tom Posts
THINK! have a campaign running which is designed to interrupt our habitual use of the mobile when driving The reason why this simple idea is effective is because it interrupts habitual human behaviour. Most people don’t recognise that they are addicted to their...
by bigtom | Apr 6, 2017 | Big Tom Posts
What price do you put on dependability? It is an interesting question because it will vary according to needs. In this blog, the owner of BIG TOM Driving School describes one of the key benefits of the BIG TOM Intensive Driving Course. Whilst I would not dream of...
by bigtom | Apr 5, 2017 | Big Tom Posts
In this blog Tom Ingram (Owner of BIG TOM Driving School) expands on the benefits of being a driving instructor with BIG TOM. Being happy in our work is pretty fundamental for successful outcomes. In the driving school world this ultimately involves our relationships...
by bigtom | Apr 3, 2017 | Big Tom Posts
In this blog, owner of BIG TOM Driving School, Tom Ingram provides some clear guidance to prospective customers about how the popular BIG TOM Intensive Driving Course operates (Sales: 0775 607 1464) The BIG TOM Intensive Driving Course is accessible to all –...
by bigtom | Apr 2, 2017 | Big Tom Posts
In this blog, owner of BIG TOM Driving School, Tom Ingram provides some advice to learner drivers about the key skill to develop of anticipation. My teenage son has recently qualified as a football referee and in the first few games since passing his course he...
by bigtom | Mar 29, 2017 | Big Tom Posts
Emma Crofts from Bourne has just passed her driving test after her crash course in Peterborough Emma needs to have the mobility of a driving licence to develop further in her workplace where she will be needing to visit more branches in the region she covers. Passing...
by bigtom | Mar 8, 2017 | Big Tom Posts
Graham Lucas from Peterborough passes his driving test today with flying colours He actually completed his 5 Day Intensive Driving Course in Peterborough last week. He started his driving test on Day 5 (the Friday) but it had to be “aborted” due to the...
by bigtom | Feb 25, 2017 | Big Tom Posts
In this blog, owner of BIG TOM Driving School Tom Ingram, offers his customers advice on how to save money on driving training, by getting smart with the learning. Welcome to this blog about how you can save money just by getting a bit switched on! One of the...