by bigtom | Feb 29, 2016 | Big Tom Posts
The aim of this blog is to encourage a Learner driver to reflect on their driving ability by referring to the form that the driving examiner uses on the driving test as a point of reference. If you find yourself confused about what the assessment criteria is then this...
by bigtom | Feb 27, 2016 | Big Tom Posts
This blog is aimed at Human Resources personnel and business owners who have urgent need to train up employee(s) to pass the car (category B) driving test. It will describe the benefits that can be delivered on the BIG TOM Intensive Driving Courses for business...
by bigtom | Feb 24, 2016 | Big Tom Posts
The need for driving training is often urgent to resolve a painful operational bottleneck that is affecting the business. This blog shows how BIG TOM Driving School (0800 689 4174) can provide good quality, trusted driving training in quick turnaround timescales with...
by bigtom | Feb 24, 2016 | Big Tom Posts
The way we learn to drive is changing. Driving test waiting times are huge! The delays are so long that the fear of failing the driving test with the resultant wait for another test can make you fail the driving test! This blog announces an alternative approach that...
by bigtom | Feb 23, 2016 | Big Tom Posts
Here is Vinko Bosnjak from Bourne who has just passed his driving test in Grantham Vinko is very pleased to have now got hold of his UK licence as he is a busy and popular builder in Bourne. He did not need the BIG TOM 5 Day Intensive Driving Course because he has...
by bigtom | Feb 21, 2016 | Big Tom Posts
Here are some of the driving video comments received by the 1000 learners on my BIG TOM YouTube Channel “Tom Ingram” These videos will save you 10 HOURS when learning to drive Hi Tom, your driving blog which details a thoughtful and practical approach to the mentality...
by bigtom | Feb 5, 2016 | Big Tom Posts
BIG TOM Driving School provides a no stress, driving assessment for elderly drivers, and there are loads of benefits as can be seen in this blog, to remove any uncertainty in your driving ability. Our driving assessment service (0800 689 4174) is really useful for...
by bigtom | Jan 28, 2016 | Big Tom Posts
On our BIG TOM 5 day driving course Peterborough (01733 306 016 ) we like to prepare our customers properly for their driving test by providing realistic and accurate mock tests. This blog will explain the benefits… This video compacts an actual driving test route...
by bigtom | Jan 28, 2016 | Big Tom Posts
This BIG TOM blog assists customers on our intensive driving course Grantham (01476 850 050 ) to appreciate the need to raise self-awareness of how well they are driving. We know that our customers want their driving licence fast so that they can get on with their busy...
by bigtom | Jan 28, 2016 | Big Tom Posts
The BIG TOM 5 day driving course Grantham (01476 850 050 ) is designed with one eye on the driving test and one eye on safe driving after the test. This blog explores how our customers benefit from our service of accurately assessing how ready they are to take and pass...