Big Tom Blog

The home of all the up to date information relating to all things driving.

Ben’s perfect Christmas present

Ben from Bourne bags himself a full driving licence for Christmas He took his BIG TOM intensive driving course in October 2018 having only previously had 6 driving lessons 8 months beforehand.  He had a really exciting 5 day course driving in Spalding, Corby Glen and...

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I want to pass my driving test

BIG TOM specialises in helping people pass their driving test It can be frustrating not passing the driving test.  At BIG TOM we can help people like you.  This is how we helped Abbie pass who had 6 previous attempts: “Before starting my 5 day intensive driving course...

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Two week intensive driving course

Bag yourself a whopping £300 saving with the BIG TOM two week intensive driving course Emma was an absolute beginner and chose to take advantage of the BIG TOM two week intensive driving course.  This allowed her to get 40 hours of driving training with BIG TOM saving...

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Wishing you a peaceful Christmas

BIG TOM Driving School wishes all our readers a very happy Christmas.  Owner, Tom Ingram sends this message: "It has been a wonderful year for my driving school. The quality of the service being provided is demonstrated by the incredibly kind words by our customers...

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Driving after you pass your driving test

 It is challenging when a newly qualified driver discovers the lonely feeling they have when driving unsupervised having passed their driving test. Up until this point a driving instructor has been on hand to give directions, help plan training schedules. It is...

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How a driving test can go

 Want to know more about the driving test? Read on... Ria from Peterborough took her driving test this morning, on a Sunday morning in Boston and passed her driving test first time which is great news! In this blog her driving instructor Tom Ingram explains what...

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Quality and Value
Quality and Value
Quality and Value
Quality and Value
Quality and Value
discount for beginners