Get your driving licence in less than a month

Congratulations go to Louis from Bourne for passing his driving test on his first attempt in Grantham with just one minor driving error, an impressive standard of driving. Louis from Bourne, did his 45 hour Beginners intensive driving course with BIG TOM starting on...


It is natural for some pupils to have self-doubt. They might have completed a BIG TOM intensive course and have a test date lined up for say, two weeks later, but have this nagging sense of doubt in the back of their minds. It is natural and to be expected. Sometimes,...

Our help centre really helps

Customers of BIG TOM get unlimited, free access to our Help Centre that has a bank of useful, practical guides for everything relating to learning to drive. You might be confused about getting the correct insurance cover once you pass your driving test. You might want...

Customer feedback

Customer feedback is vital for BIG TOM Driving School. It is one of the main methods of reviewing the delivery and effectiveness of our resources and making further improvements. We are very interested to hear from customers about their thoughts on the quality of...

Jump the queue

It is still possible for the public to grab late-notice cancellation driving test slots and jump the queue. But in this blog we will attempt to explain the bigger picture of what is occurring. Remember, these late notice slots are created simply because people change...

Uber style intensive courses

There are organisations operating in the UK who advertise intensive driving courses, and when a customer expresses an interest, the organisation contacts all the instructors in proximity to the postcode of the customer, and desperately asks them if they can fit in an...