If our customers choose the popular “Self-test Saver” course or our premium “All-inclusive” intensive course, either way, they are guaranteed to receive the same high quality training resource.

A trademark of the BIG TOM intensive course is in the scope of the training programme, ideally matched to an individual’s needs. These courses are not ‘one size fits all’, they are tailored to meet the needs of the pupil after careful consideration of previous driving experiences that some customers might have received.

It is common for our pupils to travel to different towns and cities getting them used to driving longer journeys that simply cannot be fitted in to 1 or 2 hour driving lessons. We help to develop in our pupils the resilience and sustained attention needed for real-life journeys. Shorter training sessions struggle to develop this vital skill in our younger pupils.

When pupils get very used to concentrating only for short periods of time on short driving lessons, it might be ok for the driving test which is only 38 minutes long but it doesn’t mean they are necessarily prepared for the longer journeys that most of us do BETWEEN towns and cities on a daily basis.

BIG TOM intensive courses can include driving in the dark, practise driving on steep hills, driving in tight car parks and lots of practise driving on and off of dual-carriageways.

One of the features that all pupils will get to train on is country roads. These roads can be tricky for new drivers as the severity of country road bends can often be deceptive and catch out the inexperienced driver. This is why we make a point of covering the use of “limit points” in our training programme.

On our flagship “Beginners” course, we make sure that pupils are aware of all the possible manoeuvres that they may need to use after they pass the driving test, rather than only telling them about the ones that are on the test itself.

All of this good quality training is completed by offering our pupils an authentic mock test that is conducted and graded exactly the way that DVSA examiners conduct the practical driving test. This is just another means by which we can serve customers in helping them to know whether it is the right time to be taking a test.

We cover all the bases, making sure we train to the DVSA Driving Standards at all times. Pupil’s get good quality, timely and accurate feedback in the car, and also they can monitor their progress using the practical BIG TOM In-Car Training Pack.

All of our resources have been created and further developed using the experience of 16 years of driving training – we are always striving to refine and improve.